


  1. Describing the Weather (描述天气):
    • It’s a beautiful day today. 今天天气真好。
    • The weather is really nice. 天气真是不错。
    • It’s quite hot/cold outside. 外面相当热/冷。
    • Looks like it’s going to rain. 看起来要下雨了。
    • The sun is shining brightly. 太阳灿烂地照耀着。
    • We’re having a heatwave/cold spell. 我们正在经历热浪/寒流。
  2. Expressing Preferences and Feelings (表达喜好和感受):
    • I love this kind of weather. 我喜欢这种天气。
    • I enjoy the cooler temperatures. 我喜欢较凉爽的温度。
    • I can’t stand the humidity. 我受不了潮湿的气候。
    • I wish it were warmer/cooler. 我希望天气能更暖和/凉爽些。
    • I’m not a fan of rainy days. 我不喜欢雨天。
  3. Asking About the Weather (询问天气):
    • What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?
    • How’s the weather looking? 天气情况怎么样?
    • Do you know if it’s going to rain later? 你知道晚些时候会不会下雨?
    • Have you checked the weather forecast? 你查过天气预报吗?
    • Is it supposed to get warmer/cooler tomorrow? 明天天气会变暖/变凉吗?
  4. Discussing Plans and Activities Based on Weather (基于天气讨论计划和活动):
    • Since it’s sunny, I’m planning to go for a hike. 既然阳光明媚,我打算去徒步。
    • If it rains, we might have to cancel the picnic. 如果下雨,我们可能要取消野餐。
    • I hope the weather holds up for the outdoor concert. 我希望天气能好好地适合户外音乐会。
    • I’m thinking of staying indoors if it’s too hot. 如果太热的话,我打算呆在室内。
  5. Reacting to Weather Updates (对天气更新做出反应):
    • That sounds like a perfect day! 听起来是个完美的一天!
    • Oh no, I was hoping for better weather. 哦不,我原本希望天气会更好。
    • I can’t believe it’s still raining. 真不敢相信还在下雨。
    • I’m glad it’s finally cooling down. 很高兴终于开始变凉了。


上一篇 2023年8月16日 下午6:30
下一篇 2023年8月17日 上午9:44
