

  1. I’m planning a trip to Europe next month. (我打算下个月去欧洲旅行。)
  2. We are going on a family vacation to the beach this summer. (今年夏天我们全家去海滩度假。)
  3. I love exploring new places and experiencing different cultures. (我喜欢探索新地方,体验不同的文化。)
  4. Traveling allows me to relax and escape from the daily routine. (旅行让我能够放松身心,远离日常的例行公事。)
  5. I enjoy trying local cuisine when I travel. (我喜欢在旅行时尝试当地美食。)
  6. We booked a hotel near the city center for convenience. (我们预订了一家靠近市中心的酒店,方便出行。)
  7. I always carry a travel guidebook to learn about the attractions in the area. (我总是随身携带一本旅游指南,了解该地区的景点。)
  8. Our flight got delayed, so we had to spend the night at the airport. (我们的航班延误了,所以不得不在机场过夜。)
  9. I prefer traveling by train because it’s more comfortable and scenic. (我更喜欢乘火车旅行,因为舒适且风景优美。)
  10. Exploring historical sites is one of my favorite things to do while traveling. (旅行时探索历史遗迹是我最喜欢的事情之一。)
  11. We rented a car to have the flexibility of going wherever we want. (我们租了一辆车,以便灵活地去任何地方。)
  12. I enjoy meeting new people and making friends from different countries. (我喜欢结识新朋友,结交来自不同国家的朋友。)
  13. The weather was perfect during our trip, sunny and warm. (我们旅行期间天气非常好,晴朗温暖。)
  14. Visiting museums and art galleries is a must for me when I travel. (我旅行时必须参观博物馆和艺术画廊。)
  15. We took a guided tour to learn more about the history of the ancient ruins. (我们参加了导游的旅行团,更多地了解古代遗址的历史。)
  16. Traveling gives me a sense of adventure and freedom. (旅行给了我冒险和自由的感觉。)
  17. I’m excited to visit the famous landmarks and iconic sites in this city. (我很兴奋能够参观这个城市的著名地标和标志性景点。)
  18. We’re going on a hiking trip to the mountains this weekend. (这个周末我们要去山区徒步旅行。)
  19. I always pack light when I travel to avoid carrying heavy luggage. (我旅行时总是轻装上阵,避免携带沉重的行李。)
  20. Traveling allows me to experience new things and step out of my comfort zone. (旅行让我有机会体验新事物,走出我的舒适区。)
  21. We’re going to visit a famous waterfall and go on a boat tour of the river. (我们打算参观一座著名的瀑布,并乘船游览河流。)
  22. I like to capture memories of my trips through photographs. (我喜欢通过照片留住旅行的回忆。)
  23. We’re staying at a cozy bed and breakfast in the countryside. (我们住在乡村一个舒适的民宿。)
  24. I love the feeling of wanderlust that comes with traveling to new places. (我喜欢旅行到新地方时的流浪欲望感觉。)
  25. Exploring local markets is a great way to experience the culture and try new foods. (探索当地市场是了解文化和尝试新食物的好方法。)
  26. We’re planning to go on a day trip to a nearby island. (我们计划去附近的一个岛屿进行一日游。)
  27. Traveling with friends makes the trip more fun and memorable. (和朋友一起旅行使旅程更有趣和难忘。)
  28. We’re going to take a city tour bus to see all the major attractions. (我们打算乘坐城市观光巴士,参观所有主要景点。)
  29. I enjoy immersing myself in the local culture and traditions when I travel. (我喜欢旅行时融入当地的文化和传统。)
  30. We’re going to visit a famous art museum and attend a local festival. (我们打算参观一家著名的艺术博物馆,还要参加当地的节日庆典。)
  31. Trying the local street food is a must-do for me during my travels. (旅行期间尝试当地的街头美食是我必做的事情。)
  32. We’re going to explore the old town and visit historical landmarks. (我们打算探索古老的城镇,参观历史地标。)
  33. I like to collect souvenirs from each place I visit as a memento. (我喜欢从每个旅行地方收集纪念品作为纪念。)
  34. We’re going on a guided city walking tour to learn about its history. (我们要参加一个导游的城市步行游,了解它的历史。)
  35. Traveling gives me the opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. (旅行让我有机会远离城市生活的喧嚣。)
  36. We’re going to rent bicycles to explore the countryside and enjoy nature. (我们打算租自行车探索乡村,享受大自然。)
  37. I love visiting local landmarks and taking pictures for my travel blog. (我喜欢参观当地的地标,并为我的旅行博客拍照。)
  38. We’re going to attend a traditional dance performance and try on traditional costumes. (我们要参加传统舞蹈表演,试穿传统服装。)
  39. I always research and plan my trips to make the most of my time and money. (我总是研究和计划我的旅行,以充分利用我的时间和金钱。)
  40. We’re going to visit a famous castle and take a boat ride on the lake. (我们要参观一座著名的城堡,并在湖上乘船游览。)
  41. I enjoy immersing myself in the local customs and traditions of each place I visit. (我喜欢融入我访问的每个地方的当地风俗和传统。)
  42. We’re going to explore the local markets and shop for souvenirs. (我们要探索当地的市场,并购买纪念品。)
  43. I love the thrill of trying new adventurous activities during my trips. (我喜欢在旅行中尝试新的冒险活动的刺激感。)
  44. We’re going to visit a famous art gallery and attend a live music performance. (我们要参观一家著名的艺术画廊,并参加现场音乐表演。)
  45. I enjoy staying in hostels because it allows me to meet other travelers from around the world. (我喜欢住在青年旅舍,因为它让我能够结识来自世界各地的其他旅行者。)
  46. We’re going to take a scenic train ride through the mountains. (我们要乘坐一列风景优美的火车穿越山区。)
  47. I love the feeling of anticipation and excitement before each trip. (我喜欢每次旅行前的期待和激动感。)
  48. We’re going to visit a famous amusement park and go on all the rides. (我们要参观一家著名的游乐园,并乘坐所有的游乐设施。)
  49. I always keep a travel journal to document my experiences and memories. (我总是保持一本旅行日记,记录我的经历和回忆。)
  50. We’re going to attend a local cooking class to learn how to prepare traditional dishes. (我们要参加当地的烹饪课,学习如何制作传统美食。)


上一篇 2023年8月4日 上午9:15
下一篇 2023年8月4日 上午10:06


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