


  1. 打招呼 (Greetings):
    • Hey there! Long time no see. 嘿!好久不见了。
    • Hi! Fancy meeting you here. 嗨!真巧在这里碰到你。
    • Oh, hello! It’s been a while. 哦,你好!有段时间没见了。
    • Well, look who’s here! 哎呀,看看是谁来了!
    • Hey, how are you doing? 嗨,你最近怎么样?
  2. 问候 (Greetings and Inquiries):
    • How have you been? 最近过得怎么样?
    • What’s new with you? 你最近有什么新鲜事吗?
    • How’s everything going? 一切都好吗?
    • Are you enjoying your day at the park? 你在公园玩得开心吗?
    • Did you come here often? 你经常来这里吗?
  3. 表达兴趣 (Showing Interest):
    • Have you been up to anything exciting lately? 最近有什么有趣的事情吗?
    • I heard you started a new job. How’s that going? 听说你找了份新工作,进展如何?
    • I remember you mentioned a trip. How was it? 我记得你提到过一次旅行,怎么样?
  4. 回应问候 (Responding to Greetings and Inquiries):
    • I’ve been good, thanks for asking. 我过得不错,谢谢关心。
    • Not much, just enjoying the nice weather. 没什么,就是在享受这美好的天气。
    • Oh, you know, the usual. 哦,你知道的,跟往常一样。
    • Things have been pretty busy, but in a good way. 最近事情挺忙的,但是是好事情。
    • The trip was amazing! I had a great time. 旅行太棒了!我玩得很开心。
  5. 结束交谈 (Ending the Conversation):
    • Well, it was nice running into you. 嗯,很高兴在这里碰到你。
    • I should get going, but it was great catching up. 我应该走了,但是很高兴聊了会儿。
    • Let’s grab coffee sometime and catch up properly. 我们找个时间喝咖啡好好聊聊吧。
    • Anyway, enjoy your time at the park! 不管怎样,玩得开心!


上一篇 2023年8月17日 上午9:43
下一篇 2023年8月17日 上午9:45
