


1. Can

Can 是一个常用的情态动词,表示能力或许可性。它后面跟动词原形,如:

  • I can swim.
  • Can you help me with my homework?

2. Could

Could 是 Can 的过去式,表示过去的能力或许可性。它也后面跟动词原形,如:

  • I could speak Spanish when I was younger.
  • Could you please pass me the salt?

3. May

May 用于表达许可或请求。它后面也跟动词原形,如:

  • May I use your phone?
  • You may leave the room now.

4. Might

Might 表示可能性或疑虑,也可以用于请求。它也后面跟动词原形,如:

  • It might rain tomorrow.
  • Might I ask you a question?

5. Must

Must 表示必须或推测。它后面也跟动词原形,如:

  • I must finish my work before I leave.
  • You must be tired after running so much.

6. Shall

Shall 用于提出建议、请求或询问。它后面也跟动词原形,如:

  • Shall we go to the movies tonight?
  • I shall do my best to help you.

7. Should

Should 用于提出建议或表示期望。它也后面跟动词原形,如:

  • You should eat more vegetables for your health.
  • He should arrive soon.

8. Will

Will 用于表达意愿、承诺、预测或请求。它后面也跟动词原形,如:

  • I will call you later.
  • Will you please pass me the butter?
上一篇 2024年1月25日 上午8:40
下一篇 2024年1月25日 上午9:40
