


  1. 提议去三亚旅游 (Suggesting a Trip to Sanya):
    • You know what? I was thinking we should plan a trip to Sanya. How does that sound? 你知道吗?我在想我们应该计划一次去三亚的旅行。你觉得怎么样?
    • I’ve been researching about Sanya, and it seems like a wonderful travel destination. 我一直在研究三亚,看起来是个美妙的旅游目的地。
    • Have you ever considered taking a vacation in Sanya? We could have a great time there. 你考虑过在三亚度假吗?我们在那里会玩得很开心的。
  2. 分享计划 (Sharing Plans):
    • I’ve been looking at the best time to visit Sanya. It seems that the weather is great all year round. 我一直在看什么时候去三亚最好。看起来那里的天气一年四季都很好。
    • I’ve found some amazing resorts by the beach where we can relax and enjoy the view. 我找到了一些在海滩边的绝美度假村,我们可以在那里放松,欣赏风景。
    • We could go snorkeling, explore the local markets, and even try some water sports while we’re there. 我们可以去浮潜,探索当地市场,甚至还能在那里尝试些水上运动。
  3. 讨论行程 (Discussing Itinerary):
    • I was thinking we could spend the first day at the beach, then visit some local attractions on the second day. 我在想我们可以第一天在海滩度过,然后第二天去参观一些当地的景点。
    • We might want to include a day for relaxation and spa treatments as well. 也许我们还要安排一天来放松和做水疗。
    • I’ve heard there are boat tours that take you to beautiful islands nearby. That could be a fantastic experience. 我听说有船游可以带你去附近的美丽岛屿。那可能是个很棒的体验。
  4. 期待旅行 (Looking Forward to the Trip):
    • I’m really excited about this trip. It sounds like it’s going to be an unforgettable experience. 我对这次旅行感到非常兴奋。听起来这将是一个难忘的经历。
    • I can’t wait to explore Sanya and try all the local cuisine. 我迫不及待地想去探索三亚,尝试当地的美食。
    • It’s going to be so much fun! I’m counting down the days. 这将会非常有趣!我正在倒数天数呢。
  5. 结束谈话 (Wrapping Up the Conversation):
    • Well, let’s finish our coffees and start planning our amazing Sanya trip! 嗯,喝完咖啡我们就开始计划我们美妙的三亚之旅吧!
    • I’ll do some more research and then we can discuss the details next time. 我会再做些研究,然后下次我们可以讨论具体细节。
    • I’m really glad we had this coffee chat about our travel plans. 我真的很高兴我们在喝咖啡时聊了聊我们的旅行计划。


上一篇 2023年8月15日 上午9:51
下一篇 2023年8月15日 上午11:05
