

Passenger: Oh no, the taxi broke down! What should we do now? (乘客:哦,不好了,出租车坏了!现在该怎么办?)

Taxi Driver: I’m really sorry about this inconvenience. Let me call for assistance. (出租车司机:非常抱歉给您带来不便。我会打电话寻求帮助。)

Passenger: Alright, thank you. I hope we can get it fixed soon. (乘客:好的,谢谢。希望我们能尽快修好它。)

Taxi Driver: I’ve called for a mechanic, and they said they’ll be here in about 15 minutes. (出租车司机:我已经打电话叫了个机修,他们说15分钟内会到。)

Passenger: Okay, I appreciate your quick response. But I have an important appointment, and I’m worried I’ll be late now. (乘客:好的,我感谢您的快速响应。但我有个重要的约会,现在我很担心会迟到。)

Taxi Driver: I understand your concern. If you want, I can help you find another taxi passing by, or we can wait for the mechanic to fix the car. (出租车司机:我理解您的担忧。如果您愿意,我可以帮您找另一辆路过的出租车,或者我们可以等机修来修车。)

Passenger: Finding another taxi might take time, and I don’t want to miss my appointment. Let’s wait for the mechanic. (乘客:找另一辆出租车可能要花些时间,我不想错过我的约会。让我们等机修吧。)

Taxi Driver: Sure, I’ll keep you updated on the progress. Hopefully, it won’t take too long. (出租车司机:好的,我会随时告诉您进展情况。希望不会花太长时间。)

(After a while, the mechanic arrives and fixes the taxi)

Taxi Driver: Great news! The car is fixed now. We can continue with the journey. (出租车司机:好消息!车已经修好了。我们可以继续行程了。)

Passenger: That’s a relief! Thank you for handling the situation well. Let’s get going. (乘客:太好了!谢谢您妥善处理这个情况。我们出发吧。)

(The taxi continues the journey to the passenger’s destination)

Taxi Driver: We should arrive at your destination in about 20 minutes. I apologize again for the inconvenience earlier. (出租车司机:我们大约20分钟后就会到达您的目的地。对之前的不便再次道歉。)

Passenger: No worries. It wasn’t your fault. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it. (乘客:没关系。这不是您的错。谢谢您的帮助。我很感激。)

Taxi Driver: You’re welcome. I’m glad everything worked out. If you need a ride again, don’t hesitate to call me. (出租车司机:不客气。我很高兴一切都顺利解决了。如果您需要再搭车,随时给我打电话。)

Passenger: Will do. Thanks again for your professionalism. (乘客:好的。再次感谢您的专业服务。)

Taxi Driver: No problem. Have a great day! (出租车司机:没问题。祝您有美好的一天!)

上一篇 2023年8月4日 上午8:14
下一篇 2023年8月4日 上午9:20
