
A: Can you pass me the stapler, please? B: Sure, here you go. (A:请把订书机递给我好吗?B:当然,给你。)
A: Do you have any updates on the project? B: Yes, we just received some new information this morning. (A:关于这个项目,你有什么最新消息吗?B:有,今早我们刚刚收到了一些新的信息。)
A: Excuse me, do you have a pen I can borrow? B: Of course, here you are. (A:请问你有笔我能借用吗?B:当然,给你。)
A: How was your weekend? B: It was good, thanks. How about yours? (A:你的周末怎么样?B:很好,谢谢。你的呢?)
A: I’m having trouble with this spreadsheet. Can you help me? B: Sure, let me take a look. (A:我在这个电子表格上遇到了问题。你能帮我吗?B:当然,让我看看。)
A: Did you get a chance to review the report yet? B: Not yet, but I plan to look at it later today. (A:你有机会看那份报告了吗?B:还没有,但我计划今天晚些时候看一下。)
A: I heard there’s going to be a company-wide meeting next week. B: Yes, that’s correct. It’s on Tuesday at 2pm. (A:我听说下周会有一次公司大会。B:是的,没错。时间是下周二下午2点。)
A: Can we schedule a meeting to discuss next quarter’s budget? B: Absolutely, how about next Wednesday at 10am? (A:我们可以安排一个会议来讨论下一个季度的预算吗?B:当然,下周三上午10点怎么样?)
A: I need your input on this proposal. B: Sure, let’s go over it together now. (A:我需要你对这个提案提供意见。B:当然,我们现在一起来看一下。)
A: Could you please print out this document for me? B: Of course, just email it to me. (A:你可以帮我打印这个文档吗?B:当然,只要把它发给我就可以了。)
A: Have you heard anything about the new office location yet? B: Not yet, but I’m hoping to get an update soon. (A:你听说新办公室的位置了吗?B:还没有,但我希望很快能得到最新消息。)
A: What do you think about implementing a new project management tool? B: I think it’s a great idea, let’s discuss it further. (A:你觉得实施新的项目管理工具怎么样?B:我认为这是个好主意,让我们进一步讨论一下。)
A: Can I get your opinion on the new logo design? B: Sure, let me take a look. (A:我能听听你对新标志设计的看法吗?B:当然,让我看一下。)
A: Are you available to take on this new project? B: Yes, I have some availability in my schedule. (A:你有时间负责这个新项目吗?B:是的,我在我的日程表中有一些空闲时间。)
A: What’s your role in the upcoming presentation? B: I’ll be discussing our marketing strategy. (A:你在即将举行的演讲中担任什么角色?B:我将讨论我们的营销策略。)
A: Can you send me a copy of the meeting agenda? B: Yes, I’ll email it to you right now. (A:你能给我发一份会议议程吗?B:是的,我现在就发邮件给你。)
A: I think we need to restructure our department. What do you think? B: I agree, let’s schedule a meeting to discuss it further. (A:我认为我们需要重组我们的部门。你觉得呢?B:我同意,我们安排个会议进一步讨论一下吧。)
A: Can you give me an update on the client’s project? B: Yes, we just finished the first phase and are moving onto the second. (A:你能给我提供一下客户项目的最新进展吗?B:是的,我们刚刚完成了第一阶段,正在进行第二阶段。)
A: I’m running late for the meeting, can you start without me? B: No problem, we can fill you in when you arrive. (A:我要迟到会议了,你们可以先开始吗?B:没问题,等你到了我们再补充一下。)
A: I’m having some technical difficulties. Can you call IT for me? B: Sure, I’ll give them a call right now. (A:我遇到了一些技术问题。你可以帮我叫一下IT吗?B:当然,我现在就给他们打电话。)


上一篇 2023年5月26日 下午6:19
下一篇 2023年5月26日 下午6:27


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