


1. 在机场登机口:

Traveler: Hi, is this the boarding gate for Flight 123 to Paris? 旅客: 嗨,这是飞往巴黎的123航班的登机口吗?

Gate Agent: Yes, it is. May I see your passport and boarding pass, please? 登机口工作人员: 是的,是这里。请出示您的护照和登机牌。

Traveler: Here you go. 旅客: 给你。

Gate Agent: Thank you. You can start boarding in about 15 minutes. 登机口工作人员: 谢谢。您大约15分钟后可以开始登机。

2. 在飞机上找座位:

Flight Attendant: Welcome aboard. May I see your boarding pass? 乘务员: 欢迎登机。请出示您的登机牌。

Traveler: Sure, here it is. 旅客: 当然,给你。

Flight Attendant: Your seat is 24B. It’s in the middle aisle, two rows back. 乘务员: 您的座位是24B,靠近中间走道,在后面的第二排。

3. 交流携带物品和安全注意事项:

Flight Attendant: Please stow your carry-on luggage in the overhead compartments or under the seat in front of you. 乘务员: 请将您的随身行李放在头顶行李架上或您前面的座位下面。

Traveler: Are electronic devices allowed during the flight? 旅客: 飞行期间可以使用电子设备吗?

Flight Attendant: Yes, you can use small electronic devices during the flight, but please turn them off during takeoff and landing. 乘务员: 是的,飞行期间您可以使用小型电子设备,但请在起飞和降落时关闭它们。

4. 在飞行中的饮食服务:

Flight Attendant: Would you like something to drink or a snack? 乘务员: 您想要喝点什么或者吃点零食吗?

Traveler: I’ll have a cup of coffee, please. 旅客: 我想要一杯咖啡。

Flight Attendant: Cream and sugar? 乘务员: 要加奶和糖吗?

Traveler: Yes, please, a little milk and one sugar. 旅客: 是的,请加一点牛奶和一颗糖。

5. 到达目的地:

Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing at our destination shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts and return your seats to the upright position. 飞行员: 女士们先生们,我们很快就要到达目的地了。请系好安全带,并将座椅调至正常位置。

Traveler: Finally, we’re almost there! 旅客: 终于,我们快到了!

Flight Attendant: Thank you for flying with us. We hope you had a pleasant flight! 乘务员: 感谢您选择乘坐我们的航班。希望您有一个愉快的飞行!

上一篇 2023年8月15日 上午11:35
下一篇 2023年8月15日 上午11:52
