



  1. 因果关系:
    • because of: They canceled the event because of the rain. (因为下雨,他们取消了活动。)
    • due to: The delay was due to technical issues. (延误是由于技术问题。)
  2. 时间关系:
    • in the middle of: I received a call in the middle of the night. (半夜的时候我接到了一个电话。)
    • at the end of: We’ll meet at the end of the week. (我们会在本周末见面。)
  3. 地点关系:
    • in front of: The car is parked in front of the building. (车停在大楼前面。)
    • behind the scenes: Much work goes on behind the scenes of a theater production. (在剧场制作背后,有很多工作。)
  4. 方式关系:
    • by means of: They solved the problem by means of teamwork. (通过团队合作,他们解决了问题。)
    • in the form of: The information was presented in the form of a report. (信息以报告的形式呈现。)
  5. 条件关系:
    • in case of: Carry an umbrella in case of rain. (带把伞以防下雨。)
    • in the event of: In the event of an emergency, call 911. (在紧急情况下,拨打911。)
  6. 目的关系:
    • for the purpose of: The meeting was held for the purpose of discussing the new project. (会议是为了讨论新项目而召开的。)
    • with the intention of: He traveled to the city with the intention of meeting his friend. (他前往城市是为了见他的朋友。)



(1) in…for 类

in exchange for 作为对……的交换

in preparation for 为……作准备

in return for 作为对……的报答(回报)

in time for 及时赶到(做)……

(2) in…of 类

in case of 以防;如果

in charge of 负责,管理

in course of 在……过程

in danger of 有……的危险

in (the) face of 面对

in favour of 赞成

in front of 在……前面

in honour of 为纪念,为祝贺

in memory of 为纪念

in need of 需要

in place of 代替

in possession of 占有,拥有

in praise of 称赞,歌颂

in search of 寻找,寻求

in sight of 看得见

in spite of 尽管,虽然

in terms of 从……的观点

in time of 在……期间(时候)

in view of 看见,鉴于,考虑到

(3) in…to 类

in addition to 除……外

in answer to 作为对……的回答

in contrast to 与……相反(相比)

in opposition to 与……相反(相对)

in regard to 关于,对于

in relation to 关于,涉及

in reply to 对……的回复

in response to 作为对……的回答(响应)

(4) in…with类

in agreement with 同意,与……一致

in common with 与……有共同之处

in comparison with 与……比较

in connection with 与……有联系

in line with 与……类似(一致)

in love with 爱上,喜欢

in touch with 与……有联络

(5) for…of类

for fear of 唯恐……

for lack of 因为缺乏……

for the purpose of 为……的目的

for the sake of 为了……(www.hxen.com)

上一篇 2023年8月31日 上午10:56
下一篇 2023年8月31日 上午11:25
