军训趣闻Funny Moments During Military Training


军训趣闻Funny Moments During Military Training

Military training was an essential part of our university life. While the experience was tough and demanding, there were numerous moments filled with laughter and fun that made the training unforgettable.


I remember one time when our instructor was demonstrating how to stand at attention. Without realizing, he stood atop an anthill. Within minutes, his legs were covered in ants! Trying to maintain his composure, he briskly walked away, shaking off the ants, but not without a few chuckles from us.


Another hilarious moment was during our marching practice. One of our classmates, Jane, forgot her left from her right and started marching in the opposite direction. The whole squad was in splits as Jane tried to correct her steps and join back in the formation.


However, the most memorable moment was during our camouflage exercise. Peter, attempting to blend with his surroundings, covered himself in grass and leaves. When the instructor came by, he failed to spot Peter, who then jumped out, shouting “Surprise!” We all burst into laughter, including the instructor.


These funny incidents during military training made the rigorous process bearable and memorable. It taught us that even in the toughest situations, laughter can be the best medicine.


上一篇 2023年9月21日 上午9:58
下一篇 2023年9月21日 上午10:35
