


A: Excuse me, could you help me? I’m looking for a shoe store. Do you know where it is? (A:打扰一下,你能帮我吗?我在找一个鞋店。你知道在哪里吗?)

B: Sure! There’s a shoe store just around the corner. You go straight ahead, then take the first left, and you’ll see it on your right side. (B:当然!就在拐角处有一家鞋店。你一直往前走,然后左转第一个路口,它就在你的右边。)

A: Thank you so much! I appreciate your help. (A:非常感谢!我很感激你的帮助。)

B: You’re welcome! If you need any more directions or have other questions, feel free to ask. (B:不客气!如果你需要更多指路或有其他问题,随时问我。)

A: I will. Thanks again! (A:好的,再次感谢!)

B: No problem. Have a nice day! (B:没问题。祝你愉快!)



A: Excuse me, could you help me find a shoe store? I’m looking to buy some new shoes. (A:打扰一下,你能帮我找一家鞋店吗?我想买双新鞋。)

B: Sure! There’s a shoe store just a few blocks down this street. You’ll see it on your right side. (B:当然!沿着这条街走几个街区就有一家鞋店。你会在右边看到它。)

A: Thank you! Can you give me some landmarks or major streets to look out for along the way? (A:谢谢!你能给我一些路标或者重要的街道以便我找到的路上观察吗?)

B: Sure! As you walk down this street, you’ll pass a big supermarket on your left. Keep going straight until you reach a busy intersection. The shoe store will be right across the street from the intersection. (B:当然!沿着这条街走,你会经过一家大超市在你的左边。一直往前走,直到你到达一个繁忙的十字路口。鞋店就在那个十字路口的对面。)

A: Got it! Thank you for the clear directions. (A:明白了!谢谢你清晰的指路。)

B: You’re welcome! If you need any more help, don’t hesitate to ask. (B:不客气!如果你需要更多帮助,随时问我。)

A: I will. Thanks again! (A:好的,再次感谢!)

B: No problem. Happy shoe shopping! (B:没问题。祝你购物愉快!)

上一篇 2023年8月6日 上午11:02
下一篇 2023年8月6日 上午11:06
