



顾客(Customer): Hi, I’m looking for a dress for a special occasion. Can you help me find something elegant?

顾客: 嗨,我正在寻找一件适合特殊场合的连衣裙。你能帮我找一些优雅的款式吗?

销售员(Salesperson): Of course, we have a variety of elegant dresses. What’s the occasion and what size are you looking for?

销售员: 当然,我们有各种优雅的连衣裙。是什么场合,您需要什么尺码?

顾客: It’s a wedding, and I’m a size medium.

顾客: 是婚礼,我穿中号。

销售员: Great! We have some beautiful options in that size. Let me show you a few.

销售员: 太好了!我们有一些漂亮的中号款式。让我给您展示一些。


顾客: I really like this blue one. It’s elegant and fits well. How much is it?

顾客: 我真的很喜欢这件蓝色的。它既优雅又合身。多少钱?

销售员: That dress is $120. It’s currently on sale, marked down from $150.

销售员: 这件连衣裙是120美元。目前正在打折,从150美元降价而来。

顾客: Sounds good. I’ll take it. Do you have any accessories that would match this dress?

顾客: 听起来不错。我买了。你们有没有适合这件连衣裙的配饰?

销售员: Certainly! We have a collection of jewelry and handbags that would complement the dress.

销售员: 当然!我们有一系列的珠宝和手袋,会与这件连衣裙搭配得很好。

顾客: Can you show me some options?

顾客: 你能给我看一些选择吗?

销售员: Of course, let me bring a few options for you to see.

销售员: 当然,让我给您拿几个选择。


顾客: I’ll take the dress and this necklace. Do you accept credit cards?

顾客: 我买这件连衣裙和这条项链。你们接受信用卡吗?

销售员: Yes, we accept all major credit cards. Please proceed to the counter for payment.

销售员: 是的,我们接受所有主要的信用卡。请到柜台结账。

顾客: Thank you for your assistance. I’m really happy with my purchase.

顾客: 谢谢你的帮助。我对购买的东西非常满意。

销售员: You’re welcome! Enjoy your dress and have a great day.

销售员: 不客气!享受您的连衣裙,祝您度过愉快的一天。

上一篇 2023年8月16日 上午9:42
下一篇 2023年8月16日 上午10:49
