



Running a Red Light is Dangerous 闯红灯很危险

Alice: Hey, did you see that car just run a red light? It’s so dangerous!

艾丽斯: 嘿,你看到那辆车刚刚闯红灯了吗?太危险了!

Bob: Yeah, I noticed that too. Running red lights is a serious violation of traffic rules.

鲍勃: 是的,我也注意到了。闯红灯是严重违反交通规则的行为。

Alice: Absolutely. It not only endangers the driver but also pedestrians and other vehicles on the road.

艾丽斯: 绝对是。这不仅危害了驾驶员,还危及了行人和其他道路上的车辆。

Bob: Plus, it can lead to accidents that result in injuries or even fatalities.

鲍勃: 而且,这可能导致事故,造成伤害甚至死亡。

Alice: Exactly. People need to realize that following traffic signals is crucial for everyone’s safety.

艾丽斯: 正是如此。人们需要意识到遵守交通信号对每个人的安全至关重要。

Bob: It’s not just about getting to your destination faster; it’s about being responsible and considerate on the road.

鲍勃: 这不仅仅是为了更快地到达目的地;这关乎在道路上要负责任、要体贴周围的人。

Alice: Absolutely. Let’s hope more people understand the dangers of running red lights and make the roads safer for everyone.

艾丽斯: 绝对是。希望更多的人能够理解闯红灯的危险,让道路变得更安全。



Crossing the Street 过马路

Emma: Hey, the pedestrian light is green. Let’s cross the street.

艾玛: 嘿,人行道的绿灯亮了。我们过马路吧。

John: Wait, let’s make sure all the cars have stopped before we cross.

约翰: 等等,我们要确保所有的车都停下来了再过马路。

Emma: You’re right, safety first. Look both ways and listen for any honking.

艾玛: 你说得对,安全第一。要向两边看,还要留意有没有汽车按喇叭。

John: It’s clear now. Let’s go.

约翰: 现在可以过去了。

Emma: Remember, always use the designated crosswalk and follow the traffic rules.

艾玛: 记住,要始终使用指定的人行横道,遵守交通规则。

John: Absolutely. And never cross when the signal is red, even if there are no cars in sight.

约翰: 绝对是。就算看不见车,信号灯是红色的时候也不能过马路。

Emma: Right, that’s because setting a good example ensures the safety of everyone, especially children.

艾玛: 对,这是因为树立一个好榜样可以确保每个人的安全,特别是孩子。

John: Agreed. Let’s continue to be cautious when crossing streets, no matter how familiar the area seems.

约翰: 同意。不管这个区域看起来多么熟悉,我们都要在过马路时保持谨慎。

Emma: Definitely. Safety should always come first.

艾玛: 绝对是。安全永远是第一位的。

上一篇 2023年8月12日 上午10:53
下一篇 2023年8月12日 上午11:27
