礼节美语 Business Etiquette

礼节美语 Business Etiquette


1. Greeting

  • Good morning/afternoon/evening, [Name]. How are you today?
  • 早上好/下午好/晚上好,[姓名]。你今天好吗?

2. Introductions

  • Allow me to introduce myself. I’m [Your Name], and I work in the [Your Department].
  • 允许我自我介绍一下。我是[你的名字],在[你的部门]工作。

3. Handshakes

  • It’s nice to meet you. extends hand for a handshake
  • 很高兴认识你。伸出手握手

4. Business Attire

  • Dress code for this event is business casual.
  • 此次活动的着装要求是商务休闲。

5. Punctuality

  • Thank you for arriving on time. Our meeting will start shortly.
  • 感谢你准时到达。我们的会议很快就要开始了。

6. Business Cards

  • Here’s my business card. Feel free to contact me if you need anything.
  • 这是我的名片。如果你需要任何帮助,请随时与我联系。

7. Politeness

  • Excuse me, may I interrupt for a moment?
  • 对不起,我可以打扰一下吗?

8. Active Listening

  • I understand your point of view, and I appreciate your input.
  • 我理解你的观点,也感谢你的意见。

9. Thank You

  • Thank you for your time and insights during this meeting.
  • 感谢您在这次会议中花费时间和分享见解。

10. Follow-up

  • I’ll send you a follow-up email with the meeting minutes and action items.
  • 我会给您发送一封后续邮件,附带会议纪要和行动项。

11. Email Etiquette

  • When replying to emails, please keep your responses concise and to the point.
  • 在回复邮件时,请保持回复简洁明了。


上一篇 2023年8月14日 下午2:55
下一篇 2023年8月14日 下午4:05
