- Describing Changes Over Time:
- Over the years, there has been a significant change in…
- The situation has undergone a remarkable transformation from… to…
- 在多年来,…发生了显著的变化。
- 这种情况从…到…经历了显著的转变。
- Highlighting Shifts in Trends:
- There has been a noticeable shift in the trend towards…
- The trend has gradually shifted from… to…
- 趋势朝着…发生了明显的转变。
- 这种趋势逐渐从…转向…
- Emphasizing Gradual Changes:
- The change has been gradual but steady.
- The situation has evolved slowly over time.
- 变化是逐渐但稳定的。
- 这种情况随着时间的推移逐渐演变。
- Indicating a Rapid Change:
- There has been a rapid and significant change in…
- The shift has been sudden and pronounced.
- 在…方面发生了迅速而显著的变化。
- 这种转变是突然而显著的。
- Introduce the topic and its relevance to changes.
- 提出一个简要的概述,说明要讨论的主题与变化的相关性。
- Present a thesis statement that indicates your intent to discuss the changes over time.
- 提出一个论点,表明你的写作意图,即讨论随着时间的推移发生的变化。
Body Paragraphs (Describing Changes):
- Description of the Previous State:
- Describe the situation or state before the change occurred.
- 描述变化发生之前的情况或状态。
- Provide specific details or examples to illustrate the initial state.
- 提供具体的细节或例子,以说明最初的状态。
- Presenting the Transition:
- Explain how the change took place or how the trend shifted.
- 解释变化是如何发生的,或者趋势如何转变的。
- Provide evidence, data, or examples that support the change.
- 提供支持变化的证据、数据或例子。
- Highlighting the Current State:
- Describe the situation after the change has occurred.
- 描述变化发生后的情况。
- Present relevant details, figures, or examples to show the new state.
- 提供相关的细节、数据或例子,展示新的状态。
- Summarize the main points related to the changes discussed in the essay.
- 总结与文章中讨论的变化有关的主要要点。
- Reflect on the significance of understanding and adapting to changes.
- 反思理解和适应变化的重要性。
- Offer a final thought or call to action related to the topic.
- 提供一个与主题相关的最后思考或行动号召。