小树苗成长观察日记-观察日记(100字)Diary of Observing the Growth of a Sapling – Observation Diary (100 words)
Date: [Date]
Dear Diary,
Today, I started observing the growth of a small sapling that I planted a few weeks ago. It’s amazing how quickly it’s growing!
The sapling has grown taller, and its leaves are getting greener day by day. I can see tiny new leaves sprouting out from the branches.
I’ve been watering it regularly and placing it in a spot where it gets just the right amount of sunlight. This seems to be helping it thrive.
I’ve also noticed that the roots are starting to spread out in the soil. It’s fascinating how the underground growth is just as important as what we see above the ground.
I’m looking forward to watching this sapling grow into a strong and healthy tree. It’s a small but meaningful way to connect with nature and witness the miracle of life.
Yours faithfully,