难忘的中秋节 Unforgettable Mid-Autumn Festival


难忘的中秋节 Unforgettable Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is a significant traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month.


It is a time for families to come together, enjoy mooncakes, and appreciate the beauty of the full moon.


One of my most unforgettable Mid-Autumn Festival experiences happened when I was a child.


On that particular year, my family decided to celebrate the festival in the countryside, away from the city’s hustle and bustle.


We arrived at my grandparents’ house early in the day, and the air was filled with the aroma of delicious dishes being prepared.


The highlight of the day was making traditional mooncakes with my grandmother.


She had a secret recipe that had been passed down through generations, and I was eager to learn.


Under her patient guidance, I learned to knead the dough, wrap the filling, and shape the mooncakes into beautiful round pastries.


As we worked together, my grandmother shared stories of her own childhood Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations, creating a strong connection between generations.


As evening approached, we joined the rest of the family in the courtyard, where a table was set up with various dishes, including the mooncakes we had made.


We lit lanterns and watched as they cast a warm glow around us, creating a magical atmosphere.


The full moon that night was especially bright and round, and we gazed at it, feeling a sense of unity with the countless families celebrating the same festival.


The Mid-Autumn Festival is not just about mooncakes and lanterns; it’s about family, traditions, and the beauty of coming together under the moon’s gentle light.


上一篇 2023年9月24日 上午11:47
下一篇 2023年9月24日 上午11:49
