

日语N1考试时间和合格标准 – N1 Exam Schedule and Passing Criteria


The Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1, or N1 exam for short, is the highest level language proficiency test offered in Japan. For individuals aiming to work, study, or immigrate to Japan, obtaining an N1 certificate is a strong asset. So, what is the schedule for the N1 exam, and what are the passing criteria?


Firstly, the N1 exam is typically held twice a year, in July and December. The exact exam dates are announced in advance on the official exam website in Japan and internationally. The exam consists of four sections: listening, reading, grammar knowledge, and writing.


For the listening section, candidates need to listen to short passages, dialogues, and news within a designated time and answer related questions. The reading section requires candidates to read various types of texts, including news, advertisements, and novels, and answer questions. The grammar knowledge section tests candidates’ proficiency in Japanese grammar, requiring them to select the correct grammatical form based on the context. Finally, the writing section assesses candidates’ written expression abilities, asking them to write an essay on a given topic.


To meet the passing criteria for the N1 exam, candidates need to achieve the required scores in each section. The total maximum score is 180 points, and each section has its own passing score. The passing scores for the listening and reading sections are usually higher, while the passing scores for the grammar knowledge and writing sections are lower.


In addition to the passing scores, candidates also need to meet a certain requirement for the total score. The total score requirement for the N1 exam is usually set at 100 points or above. This means that even if a candidate scores lower in a specific section, as long as the total score meets the requirement, they are still eligible to obtain the N1 certificate.


Overall, the N1 exam schedule is relatively flexible, with two opportunities for candidates to take the test each year. Meeting the passing criteria is essential for obtaining the N1 certificate. The N1 certificate not only aids individuals in job-seeking and daily life in Japan but also demonstrates the candidate’s high level of achievement in Japanese language learning.

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