过去将来时 “would” 的时间状语和频率状语。

过去将来时 "would" 的时间状语和频率状语。

过去将来时 “would” 的时间状语和频率状语。

过去将来时 “would” 可以与特定的时间状语和频率状语一起使用,以更准确地描述过去时间内将来的动作、意愿、请求或虚拟情况。以下是一些常见的时间状语和频率状语,它们可以与 “would” 结合使用:


  1. tomorrow(明天) 示例:He said he would come to the party tomorrow.(他说他明天会来参加派对。)
  2. next week(下周) 示例:They promised they would finish the project next week.(他们答应下周会完成这个项目。)
  3. in two days(两天后) 示例:She mentioned she would leave for her vacation in two days.(她提到她两天后会开始度假。)
  4. by the end of the month(到月底) 示例:We decided we would complete the report by the end of the month.(我们决定会在月底前完成报告。)
  5. at that time(那个时候) 示例:He said he would call her back at that time.(他说他会在那个时候回电话给她。)


  1. always(总是) 示例:When he was young, he would always help his neighbors.(他年轻的时候,总是会帮助邻居。)
  2. often(经常) 示例:They would often go camping in the mountains during summer.(他们夏天经常会去山里露营。)
  3. sometimes(有时候) 示例:She mentioned she would sometimes work late to finish her assignments.(她提到她有时候会工作到很晚来完成任务。)
  4. rarely(很少) 示例:In the past, he would rarely miss a basketball game.(过去,他很少错过篮球比赛。)
  5. never(从不) 示例:They said they would never go back to that restaurant again.(他们说他们再也不会回那家餐厅了。)

这些时间状语和频率状语可以帮助进一步明确动作发生的时间或频率,让句子更加具体和清晰。在使用时,根据句子的语境和需要选择合适的时间状语和频率状语,以便更好地表达过去将来时 “would” 的含义。

上一篇 2023年7月30日 下午1:55
下一篇 2023年7月31日 上午8:08
