定语从句中of which的用法

定语从句中of which的用法

定语从句中of which的用法

“of which” 的使用通常在正式文书和书面语中较为常见,而在口语中,人们可能更倾向于使用 “whose” 或重构句子以避免使用 “of which”。

“Of which” 是在英语中用于定语从句中的短语,通常用于修饰先行词为物体或事物的情况。它相当于 “whose” 的形式,但用于非人的先行词。以下是一些关于 “of which” 用法的示例:

  1. 指示物体的所属或归属关系
    • The house, of which the roof was damaged, needs repairs.(这所房子,屋顶受损了,需要修理。)
    • The company, of which he is a shareholder, is doing well.(他是该公司的股东,公司运营良好。)
  2. 指示物体的特征或性质
    • I saw the car, the color of which I really like.(我看到了那辆车,颜色我非常喜欢。)
    • She showed me her collection of paintings, many of which were by famous artists.(她向我展示了她的绘画收藏,其中许多是由著名艺术家创作的。)
  3. 指示物体的一部分
    • He handed me a book, some of the pages of which were torn.(他递给我一本书,其中有些页面是破损的。)
    • I found a bag of coins, the value of which was quite high.(我发现了一袋硬币,价值相当高。)
  4. 用于非限定性定语从句
    • The museum displayed its new exhibit, the centerpiece of which was a famous painting.(博物馆展示了新展品,其中的中心是一幅著名的画作。)
    • She visited the old library, the charm of which captivated her.(她参观了那座古老的图书馆,其中的魅力吸引了她。)
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