


Sure, here are examples of using “someone” and “nobody” as subjects in imperative sentences, along with their translations:

  1. Someone, please help me carry these boxes to the car. 有人,请帮我把这些箱子搬到车上。
  2. Someone, give me a hand with this heavy table, please. 有人,请帮我一下,这张重桌子。
  3. Nobody, touch the cake until it’s time to cut it. 没人,等到该切蛋糕的时候再动它。
  4. Nobody, leave the room until I finish explaining the rules. 没人,请等我解释完规则后再离开房间。
  5. Someone, pass me the salt, please. 有人,请把盐递给我。
  6. Someone, please water the plants while I’m away. 有人,在我离开的时候请给植物浇水。
  7. Nobody, enter the laboratory without wearing safety goggles. 没人,请不要不戴安全护目镜进入实验室。
  8. Nobody, forget to lock the door before leaving the house. 没人,请在离开房屋前别忘了锁门。


“Someone” 和 “nobody” 都是代词,用来表示人。它们在用法上有一些区别,下面我会用例句来说明:

  1. Someone left their umbrella in the classroom. 有人在教室里落下了他们的雨伞。
  2. Nobody answered the phone when I called. 当我打电话时,没有人接听。
  3. Someone is coming to visit us tomorrow. 明天有人要来拜访我们。
  4. Nobody likes to wait in long lines. 没有人喜欢在长队中等待。
  5. Someone in the office can help you with your computer issue. 办公室里有人可以帮你解决电脑问题。
  6. Nobody enjoys cleaning the bathroom. 没人喜欢清洁浴室。


  • “Someone” 表示肯定存在某人,强调至少有一个人。
  • “Nobody” 表示否定存在某人,强调没有人。


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