名词 + of 构成的量词有哪些

名词 + of 构成的量词有哪些

名词 + “of” 是用来构成量词的一种常见方式,用来表示某个数量或一部分。以下是一些常见的名词 + “of” 结构的量词:

  1. a couple of:
    • I have a couple of friends coming over tonight. (我今晚有几个朋友要来。)
  2. a lot of:
    • There are a lot of books on the shelf. (书架上有很多书。)
  3. a bit of:
    • Can I have a bit of chocolate? (我可以吃一点巧克力吗?)
  4. a piece of:
    • She ate a piece of cake for dessert. (她吃了一块蛋糕作为甜点。)
  5. a bag of:
    • We bought a bag of apples at the market. (我们在市场买了一袋苹果。)
  6. a glass of:
    • Could I have a glass of water, please? (我可以要一杯水吗?)
  7. a cup of:
    • He drinks a cup of coffee every morning. (他每天早上喝一杯咖啡。)
  8. a bottle of:
    • She bought a bottle of wine for the party. (她为聚会买了一瓶葡萄酒。)
  9. a slice of:
    • I’d like a slice of pizza, please. (我想要一块比萨饼。)
  10. a can of:
    • We need a can of tomatoes for the recipe. (我们需要一罐番茄来做这道菜。)

这些名词 + “of” 结构的量词用来表示一定的数量或一部分,根据不同的名词可以表示不同的事物。

上一篇 2023年8月12日 下午3:11
下一篇 2023年8月12日 下午3:34
